
Strider Balance Bikes

To cover your Strider bike under warranty, we recommend that you register it through the online from

This will activate your warranty, allow us to track your bike, and allow us to send you technical updates and helpful tips.

Strider offers a two-year warranty against manufacturing defects (damage from use not included)

Our warranty is limited to riders weighing less than 36 kg (80 lbs.) for all 14x Sport models.

To complete the warranty registration form, you will first need to get the serial number and production date from your Strider Balance Bike (see photo below). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!


The majority of helmets will be covered for 6 months against manufacturing defects. However, it is important to remember that if your helmet is single impact and you have an accident where the helmet impacts the floor, you MUST replace it.


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